Beautiful Ceramic Lighting Fixtures for your Decor
New Mexico, United States
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J. Collette Morfin
Last updated on Jan 8, 2023
Welcome to "Custom Cut Lighting" We offer hand crafted lighting Thank you for your interest! Here you will discover my "HANDMADE TO ORDER" ceramic lighting. Custom made to suit your specific decor needs. Our lights are not the cheap cookie cutter type product. Our product is very well made and will last a long long time and is well worth the wait. Unless you are looking for a cheap quick fix. If you don't find what you are looking for please do not hesitate to ask. I custom make most any design or color. Our handmade lighting goes through a lengthy process to create a beautiful finished product that will last for many years. Your business and patience is greatly valued and appreciated. I can hand paint almost any design you can imagine on any of my lights. Along with designing a special cutout for your light. "Each light is unique in its own way and no two will ever be exactly the same". Each one comes with its own UL listed fixture and bracket hardware for hanging. To choose different colors of fired on glazes please go to my color chart on my front page.- https://www.etsy.com/listing/569076015/not-for-sale-for-online-reference-only If you need a special color that is not shown please do not hesitate to contact me. Please keep in mind that any of the fired on glazes can and will sometimes be slightly different as seen here on line due to the firing processes and temperature's. Also manufacturing changes from the glaze supplier is a possibility. I strive to keep them as close as possible by firing sample pieces for testing. Please allow at least 4 to 9 weeks for made to order lights, and possibly a bit longer in our colder winter months. Each piece is handmade and unique in its own individual way.
Custom Lights